企業介紹About OASIS

歐洲飲水機大獎 - Water Coolers Europe Aqua Awards

我們很榮幸宣布,OASIS 在 2012 年 10 月於伊斯坦堡所舉辦的歐洲飲水機大獎 (Water Coolers Europe Aqua Awards) 中,
贏得「最佳產品創新獎」(Best Product Innovation Award) 銀獎的殊榮。

We are pleased to announce that OASIS has won second Place in the "Best Product Innovation Award" category at the Water Coolers Europe Aqua Awards held in October 2012 in Istanbul.

We were awarded for our partnership with Phillips Lighting for the soon to be launched Instant Trust Product and third place in the "Best Environmental Practice Award" for our Galaxi Filter product entry.